

Find out more by calling us at:


or toll free: 1-888-WE-COMPLY

Or fill out the form on this page and a representative will get back to you shortly.

  • Pre-Scheduled Appointments

On-site Pre-Employment, Random testing, Return-to-Duty, and Follow-Up testing. All available at your clients’ sites – any time day or night!

  • Emergency Response Testing

Post Accident, Reasonable Suspicion, For Cause, or Fitness-for-Duty incidents. Available at either your clients’ sites or even an accident site.

  • Collection only services plus breath alcohol testing

COMPLY® furnishes trained and certified technicians, you supply CCFs and MRO review.

  • Mobile Technicians Available

COMPLY® employs mobile technicians with portable breathalyzers and all supplies for US-DOT compliant drug and alcohol testing at your clients’ sites.

  • Response Time For Emergency Testing

For the New York metropolitan area with less than two (2) hours typical.

  • COMPLY® Serves Over 40 C/TPAs Nationally

COMPLY® ​has provided on-site specimen collection and alcohol testing services for over 40 C/TPAs nationally since 1994.

  • DOT direct observation testing

Technicians furnished for DOT direct observation testing for DOT return-to-duty and follow-up testing, all shifts included.

  • Year-round drug testing service 24/7

Call us for 24/7 drug testing 365 days a year. We service by appointment and emergency testing when you need it, where you need it.

We regularly assist testing organizations with:

To The Trade

We regularly assist Consortia/Third Party Administrators and NDASA & SAPAA members with On-Site specimen collections and alcohol tests.